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Plastic Surgery,
Cosmetic Surgery and
Reconstructive Surgery Brisbane.

Face & Neck Lift Brisbane

Face Lift :: Neck Lift

Face Lift

Degeneration of skin cells with aging results in loosening of the skin of the face and neck. Facelift involves tightening loose skin and also tightening facial muscles

Purposes of face lift surgery

  • Reduces the signs of ageing
  • Improves the contours of the face and neck
  • Make the skin younger and smoother
  • May be combined with other cosmetic surgical procedures such as eyelid surgery or skin reconstructionFace lift surgery does not involve the alteration of the bone structure of the face.


Face lift surgery is performed under general anaesthesia. The type of facelift surgery depends upon the age, type of skin (dry, thick etc.), condition and requirement of the individual person. Facelift is usually performed as a day case; Dr Kane does use drain tubes post-operatively.

Neck lift

Neck lift is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the neck and under the jaw line by reducing the loose sagging skin.,

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and a small incision is made under your chin in front and behind the ear to access the platysma (neck muscle) and tighten them as required. You doctor may also perform liposuction on the neck to remove excess fat deposits from the neck. Some excess skin is also removed through the incisions near the ears. After the muscles are tightened the skin is draped over the ear. The extra skin is then trimmed and the incisions are closed using sutures. A drain is placed on the neck to drain extra fluids to decrease the swelling and discomfort following the surgery.

Blepharoplasty/Eyelid Surgery

A blepharoplasty is the removal of unnecessary skin and fat surrounding the eye that may obscure vision, resulting in a tightened and more youthful appearance to the upper and lower eyelid.

Otoplasty/Ear Correction

An otoplasty is a surgical procedure that assists in correcting prominent ears by reshaping the cartilage structure of the ear to change the angle and shape, which is held in place by sutures. This procedure is normally done as a day surgery and can be done under a local anaesthetic